a man, or perhaps a child, of great simplicity and spontaneous enthusiasm

The Milan atelier that Alessandro Mendini shares with his brother Francesco is a blend of simplicity and imagination in an old abandoned factory “inhabited” by creatives of all nationalities.
We met him there, the first time. And in those bright spaces, colours – so important to him – seemed inspirational to us. Mendini is a man, or perhaps a child, of great simplicity and spontaneous enthusiasm. Thus, he is a spiritual person.
Playful and enigmatic he seemed to listen with his eyes rather than ears, almost in search of our true values. For this reason, his projects gratify actual needs: Mendini believes that everyone has a soul, even objects; and intensely searches for it.

Straight lines, outstretched toward the top, without a start or an end. Continuing lines but broken in one or more edges and lateral tensions that indicate an immediate dynamism where the geometry is mixed with fantasy.